Business Loans
EFC Business Loans are specifically designed for MSME’s that need fast and efficient loan services as a way of empowerment. This type of loan is suitable for entrepreneurs aiming to develop their business by financing a wide range of activities including working capital, equipment purchases and investments.
Eligibility Criteria
The borrower must be:
- An individual entrepreneur or merchant, or other legal entity engaged in income-generating activities.
- Someone who has been in business for at least 6 months.
- Able to demonstrate a proper business recording system and the capability of operating a business profitably.
- In possession of assets or collaterals (e.g. business equipment, vehicle, house or land).
- Residing and operating in Zambia.
- A holder of a regular savings account with EFC Zambia.
- You can borrow up to K1,200,000
- Collateral required includes vehicles, machinery and real estate